Be a Co-owner, Buy A Family Cabin, or a treehouse + Make Rental Income 🏠 Amenities, Sauna, Outdoor Shower, boats, kayak’s, gorgeous river Views & More.
You don't need to buy land; we already have it with all the amenities.
Just come and enjoy your unique treehouse or cabin and when you're not using it, we'll manage it for you, and you make money on it as a unique rental.
🏔️ In Tennesse
🍷 1 hour from Nashville TN.
Originally, we were just going to build luxury log cabins and then realized we can build a treehouse & Castes for a similar price... we are offering all 3. Treehouses &Castles, Log Cabins
get double the nightly rental rates... ~$450/night and are usually booked out 3-6 months in advance.
Plus, it's just more fun to do something unique in life.
4 years ago, we wanted to have a place outside of the city, somewhere in nature, to get away, feel safe again, and connect with nature like we used to when we were kids...
We dreamed of walking through an orchard, having some chickens, turkeys, growing our own food, working on our Bush crafting skills, swimming in our own private lake, having a boat so we can fish and having land where we could hunt, have a steady source of food, steady source of income, and one day having our own farm-to-table restaurant.
We are always thinking like a prepping Survivalist, every since what happened with covid-19 what IF Always hanging over our heads , what if the S.H.I.F.T happens, what about the next hurricane? we lived in Florida where the closest fresh water to us was hours away, went through 3 hurricanes in 3 months and 2 were back-to-back 1 week apart, all on record. No joke, mother nature at her worst. How do we protect ourselves our food and water and our lives & help others to do the same, this solves those questions and helps us do our part to save the planet, by using green energy.
So we put money down and signed a contract for 190 acres Island with no zoning so we can build whatever we want, we are in the process right now of raising the funds for the payoff of the Island and take some pressure off so we can concentrate on the build out and growth of our projects, working the land focus on raising the funding for glamping tents and all the amenities, and boat dock, Treehouses and a whimsical fairytale Village & treehouse builds and green energy and setup glamping tents and all our amenities... and we're about halfway to all those big dreams!
Some people ask well if you want to go off grid and have a homestead why such expensive land? Why are your choices of buildings cost so much? Why don’t you just build the houses bush craft style? The Answers are Simple finding land with unrestricted zoning to build whatever you want is very ,very hard and I have lived off-grid for years before and I’ve learned the human body can only take so much, and we need a product that people want.
Research shows these will be long lasting consistent rentals. Protection of what we build is important for what if sceneries, the most important things for survival, is water, shelter, fire, heat, food, & protection & the ability to make our own medicines, this land gives us all of that.
I needed a place big enough to create space for others as well as for us. To have the Land bring in consistent income, and consistent clean food.
If you want to join in on our journey and have a treehouse or cabin to call your own, maybe this is it.
Here's the deal:
-We won’t be subdividing the land we will be leasing 2-acers tracks to each Co-ownership contract for $500 a month or taken out of the yearly profits, your choice.
- You pitch the money to build the treehouse or cabin of your choice
- You use it when you want
- When you're not there we manage it as a unique Airbnb
- You take 40% of the income until you're paid back double your money
- Set up as a 10–15-year investment program but with the buyback clause, this could be a five-year turnaround for quicker (ROI) Your choice.
-This comes with a lifetime 4-week vacation package with all the bells and whistles.
- Even after you're paid back you can still use it for the rest of your life
Because once you integrate it into your life and make it a tradition to come here... we don't want to take that away from you.
We want you to watch how this land grows over the years...
I want to build a sense of community; to walk by you while I'm tending to the orchard and know your name and catch up like old friends; to show you the new things that we build each year and the latest additions to the garden.
To thank you for being a part of this incredible journey and creation of building an oasis Grid zero Island.
We maintain and manage it all, so you don't have to lift a finger.
There's a hobbit themed venue 30 minutes from us that does about 156k/year in income all by itself.
With no other amenities or marketing.
With our amenities and activities galore, such as saunas, outdoor/Indoor showers, Hot tubs, private swimming pond, river views and 10 years of marketing experience, we think we can do better than that.
But even if that's all we did... your 40% would be ~50k/year in income. We are also adding profit shares capped from what we earn from glamping and wedding venues. To ensure you double your money.
That's almost 2 full years’ salary.
The investment amount is $150k for Castles and $250k-$350K Depending on your choice of log home by Elog homes for a full cabin, the cabin choice is the woodsman or woodsman 2 or the lake house they come as a kit, so I will be building the foundations for each home, and there will be a few things left to finish for the roof, then my team and I will put the flooring in and the walls, and water wells and plumbing, or treehouses built by the treehouse experts, they come complete at $350k and up to $700k for your choice of treehouse 250 sq ft to 700 sq, ft. a full unit, but if you want, we could also go Haflers, and you put in 100k. and get a ROI package. we have return on investing packages starting at $10k
No hard selling. We’ll tell you straight up why we do things the way we do it and why it costs what it does. You can decide for yourself.
🛀 Includes 1-piece bathroom inside + 3-piece bathroom nearby built to the quality of a high-end custom home
💡Kitchenette, loft, heat and electrical (solar power)
🍴Shared full kitchen and covered outdoor dining area
☀️ Air conditioning
💻 Starlink internet (it's fast, I work full-time on it)
🛏️ Sleeps2- 4
👌 Loft-style net in the patio for lounging
🛋️ Fully furnished, linens and all
🔨 Structures built with high standards
⛰️ Made in TN
🚀 Ready to use, our units take 2 months to order and 2 months to build treehouses we are 5 months out waiting list,3 months to build.
💰 Fair price
🏠 TSA approved and fully permitted
🎉 You must retain renters’ insurance
*Your Name WILL be added to the deed or title once the building is completed; we will get that from the permit office at that time.
What plans are in place to protect your investment? Several!
1. Buy back clause in every contract
2. profit shares
3. Hiring several marketing companies to insure a 70% occupancy
4. 2 fundraisers per year to ensure we have at least $1-3 million for an emergency fund.
5. Subdividing the land only as a last resort to make sure my investors get their money FIRST as is written in every contract.
6. Shareholder’s percentages of shares in Grid Zero Island.
Fill out our survey and email it to
if you're a fit I'll personally give you a call.
Looking forward to it!
You can check out our fundraiser
Thanks again, Taylor Durling & the Grid Zero crew

8 choices of castle style.

Check out our fundraiser! bellow